harness the power of applied neuroscience





Z-health is a revolutionary continued education platform for movement experts.


We are optimizing movement education through brain-based training.

For health and fitness professionals ready to amplify results and build
a practice so in-demand, you’ll need a waitlist…

…our neuroscience-driven courses and
certifications arm you with the strategies you need
to deliver game-changing individualized coaching.


The Neuro-Revolution is Here.

Z-Health’s applied neurology curriculum
bridges traditional movement education models
with modern neuroscience, giving you the tools
you need to more accurately assess, identify,
and target key areas of the nervous system that
impact movement, athletic performance, pain,
and daily functioning — resulting in maximized
results to your clients.


Our programming is
designed for:

Healthcare Practitioners

Use applied neurology to create

individualized treatment protocols for
rehab, and performance.

Trainers & Coaches

Upgrade your business by leveraging
cutting-edge brain-based training to deliver
life-changing client results.

Athletes & Individual Learners

Better understand the intricate links between brain and body to optimize movement, decrease pain, enhance rehabilitation, and reduce injury risk.

Healthcare Practitioners

Use applied neurology to create

individualized treatment protocols for
rehab, and performance.

Trainers & Coaches

Upgrade your business by leveraging
cutting-edge brain-based training to deliver
life-changing client results.

Athletes & Individual Learners

Better understand the intricate links between brain and body to optimize movement, decrease pain, enhance rehabilitation, and reduce injury risk.



Essentials of Elite

Begin your exploration into the neurocentric approach with actionable training you can apply right away, whether for clients or for personal growth.


Dive into our core certifications (R, I, S, & T) covering rehabilitation essentials, sensory integration, sport strategies, and therapy techniques.


Join other world-class professionals by progressing your education with our advanced certifications covering the 9 S’s; structure, strength & suppleness, stamina, speed, sustenance & spirit, skill & style.

Annual Z-Health Membership
Join our community of elite brain-based professionals with intensive masterclass presentations on the most common pain, rehabilitation, and performance issues you see every day.
Explore targeted arenas with training modules to sharpen specific skills and refine your expertise.
Essentials of Elite

Begin your exploration into the neurocentric approach with actionable training you can apply right away, whether for clients or for personal growth.


Dive into our core certifications (R, I, S, & T) covering rehabilitation essentials, sensory integration, sport strategies, and therapy techniques.


Join other world-class professionals by progressing your education with our advanced certifications covering the 9 S’s; structure, strength & suppleness, stamina, speed, sustenance & spirit, skill & style.

Annual Z-Health Membership
Join our community of elite brain-based professionals with intensive masterclass presentations on the most common pain, rehabilitation, and performance issues you see every day.
Explore targeted arenas with training modules to sharpen specific skills and refine your expertise.


Resource Vault

01. Speed Training and Improving Reaction Time

Supercharge your train speed and improve reaction time, using your TV time as an elite athletic training tool. This may sound a little bit strange, but what we want to do is remember some basics about neurology 101 and then how that works its way into athleticism.

02. Improve Endurance and Stamina in only 7 minutes a day

Improve Endurance and Stamina in only 7 minutes a day using this training and the expand a lung device; we see very similar benefits to 7 minutes, versus 90 to 120 minutes.

03. Lower Blood Pressure in 5 Minutes

We're sharing two proven approaches to lowering blood pressure at home. These can be remarkably effective and may be essential tools for people who are at higher risk of heart attacks, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and stroke due to hypertension.

04. Foot Strengthening Exercises

Follow this series of five different foot mobility and strengthening exercises that your feet will love. If you’ve followed Z for any period of time, you know we spend a lot of time on the feet.


Hear from Our Global Community of 10K+:

"“Z-Health is the most comprehensive, intelligently designed, and effective education and training system I’ve found in over 20 years as a physical therapist.”

I work with a wide variety of clients from patients suffering from severe pain to elite level athletes looking for an edge. I came to Z-Health with a diverse background in movement science, manual therapy, and sports medicine and felt I was getting very good, if not great, results. Integrating Z-Health into my practice has been a complete paradigm shift.  I’ve been able to make more substantial gains in pain relief, movement quality, and athleticism, with much less time and effort.

- Roger Yamanaka, PT, ATC, CSCS

"“By far the best educational system I've EVER encountered (and i've done loads of courses).”

I believe that if everyone studied with Z the world would be a better place. The knowledge I've been empowered with has sky rocketed my business, improved my personal performance and quality of life. Not to mention the impact I've had on my community. I'm a huge HUGE fan!”

- Celest Pereira

"“The basics of brain-based training should be a fundamental part of any movement instructor’s education.”

“The information as taught in the Z-Health curriculum has helped provide more information to make sense of the “unexplained,” more knowledge to offer a variety of options to clients, and more tools to achieve success with a multitude of issues. I personally incorporate some Z-Health drills into my daily routine…with the goal that body AND brain will stay healthy! ”

-Carrie Smith, Pilates Instructor/Studio Owner

"“If you are involved in sports – as a player, trainer, coach or owner – studying and working with Z-Health should be at the very top of your priorities if you want to increase your level of success and if you want to become world class.”

Dr. Eric Cobb is one of the most innovative, creative, talented and successful teachers, educators and coaches in the world. But his mission is bigger than just teaching – his mission is changing the way coaches, trainers, therapists and other sports and healthcare professionals look on training and therapy. Within the Z-Health Curriculum, deep neuro-knowledge becomes applicable and there will be a huge paradigm shift in training and therapy worldwide – the so called Neuro-Revolution: an input-oriented approach in training and therapy.

- Martin Weddeman, Sports Agent

"“The Z-health eye drills and joint mobility systems had my (at-first skeptical) soldiers telling me that they never felt so strong before, and that they were finally able to play with their kids.”

I counseled and trained sick and wounded soldiers who would come back from active military service and be in so much pain they couldn't pick up their children or have quality time with their families. The Z-health eye drills and joint mobility systems had my (at-first skeptical) soldiers telling me that they never felt so strong before, and that they were finally able to play with their kids. This was one of the most rewarding parts of my Z-Health practice - giving these heroes a homecoming they deserve.”

- Danielle Mack, Professional Ironman Triathlete

"“I highly recommend Z-Health for every healthcare or fitness professional who is willing to put in the work of learning neurology and wants to offer a high-quality, brain based approach.”

Z-Health has changed my entire business and clinical approach. I’ve become much more specific in my questions, assessments and corrective exercises. Also, I’ve become much better at coaching and communicating with other healthcare professionals. Since, the curriculum is so comprehensive, I am even confident in coaching professional athletes in their sport and I have the skills to effectively help clients with concussion or other kind of traumatic brain injuries. 

- Annika Nielsen, Physiotherapist and Business Owner

"“ Regardless of the issue or dysfunction a client comes in with, their age or fitness level, or even the sport they want to be better at, I know I can improve them because of what I have learned in this system. “

Professionally, Z-Health has made me the most well-rounded trainer I could ever imagine. This education allowed me to more than double my rates over time. Z-Health trainers are the "Special Forces Detachment" of the Health and Fitness industry!”

- Pat Marques, LTC(R), Special Forces

"“ Z-Health Performance Solutions is the most advanced and complete curriculum currently available in the world today and I highly recommend it to any professional who is serious about being in the top 1% of their profession. “

Z-Health is the education I always wish I had at the onset of my career.  Their neurocentric approach has propelled my career, allowing me to have the most options to utilize the fastest paths for performance training, injury rehabilitation, injury prevention, and pain relief solutions for my clients.

-Steve Madama, BS, Exercise & Nutrition Science, ACM, APT, HFI

"“Never in my whole life have I seen such tremendous change as I could witness with my athletes, may they be beginners, World Champions or Broadway stars”

“As a professional dancer and dancesport teacher I am in awe on what can be achieved by applying the concepts and techniques taught in the Z-Health Curriculum. Z-Health always makes me humble, in realizing how beautifully complex and redundant the human nervous system is, but also in seeing in what can be achieved through smart training.

-Ulla Schmid-Fetzer, Professional dancer and Dancesport teacher

"“If you want the best for your athletes, you have to learn how the brain and the CNS governs human movement and performance. Z-Health will show you the way.”

The biggest and most important step I made in my career as a trainer and the biggest gain especially for my athletes was to sign up for my first Z-Health Course. Dr. Cobb is not only one of the best speakers, educators and trainers on this planet, but his genius has succeeded to make this really complex topic easy to understand and applicable in the real world of training. This curriculum is absolutely outstanding worldwide.

- Lars Lienhard, Sports Optimization Coach


Unlock 30 days of our "Essentials of Elite Performance" Course

We believe in the power of our curriculum so much, we’ll give you 30 days of access – free.

Access 30 days of the foundationalfirst 6 hours of our “Essentials of Elite Performance” Course for free. You’lll learn the Z-Health principles that are pivotal both academically and practically—tools you’ll leverage daily with your clients or in your own training.